
Rust app to convert an audio stream into a midi stream to trigger external synthesizers.

Build Instructions

Run cargo build --release followed by target\\release\\pitch2synth-rs.exe to build and run an optimized executable


4 threads communicate via Bus, an intra-thread ringbuffer

  • Audio aquisition thread
    • Managed by CPAL(Cross Platform Audio Library) via callback
    • Communicates via Bus to transmit audio to pitch estimation and UI threads
  • Pitch estimation thread
    • Computes Constant-Q transform via Goertzel algorithm
    • Takes argmax of frequency ampltiudes
    • Accounts by harmonic errors
    • Communicates via Bus to transmit frequency data to MIDI and UI threads
  • MIDI handler thread
    • Takes pitch data and sends corresponding MIDI note to external synthesizer via USB
  • UI Thread
    • Takes audio waveform from audio thread and frequency data from pitch thread and renders GUI